Sectional velocity measurements with traffic videos.

The best AI solutions for traffic and transportation measurements!

Add segment. Get results.

By adding a measurement segment on the road, you enable AITracker to calculate vehicle traffic into travel speed. The measurement is built into the software and doesn't require additional processing.

You can configure multiple measurement segments separately for each relationship. The recommended video frame rate is 20 FPS or higher. The measurement segment should be 5-10 meters long and centrally positioned in the frame

Statistics and charts

The speed scatter plot is a chart where each point represents a measured vehicle. Our speed measurement includes comprehensive statistics - we know how fast, who, and in which direction they were moving

You receive a sheet with measured vehicle speeds, a report, and charts of average velocity, relative to relationships/categories.

100% verifiable results

AITracker offers the ability to review counted vehicles and speed calculations!

Accuracy of speed measurement is 95% between 0-100km/h. The recommended range of measured speeds is 0-120km/h. Above 120km/h, accuracy drops to 70%.

Included in the measurement cost

A counted catalogue, means data to work with! You can define speed measurement before sending it to the cloud or after receiving the counted results. Traffic data is always included in the results.

Use the reclassify button to obtain speeds from data that has already been counted.

AITracker - control the traffic!

Download AITracker, and automatically recognise vehicle categories and count them from video recordings. The program includes built-in sample demo videos with results, allowing you to get to know the software for free.

Experience the quality of AITracker for yourself and test the program!

See AITracker in action - Videos of traffic measurement processing

For more videos showcasing AITracker and our services, visit youtube and facebook.



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